Monday, May 10, 2010


China is a communist government including 73.1 million members to the CCP or the Chinese Communist Party. China is not a check and balance government, and has not realy changed (over time) from the communist government that it is.Many human rights have been limited such as harsh restrictions to freedom of speech, the press, assembly, association, religion, privacy, worker rights, and the limit of 1 child per family. The president of China is Hu Jintao along with vice-president Xi Jinping. Death is one of the punishments for crimes. As said in some resources protesters and NGO’s (non-governmental organizations) are the highest groups with death tolls throughout all of China.


China is located on the continent of Asia. China’s geography includes mountains mostly in the greater part. The principal mountain ranges are the Tien Shan, Kunlun chain, and the Trans-Himilaya. Tibet, which is now part of China since 1950, has the Gobi Desert in the north of Tibet. It mostly consists of three major rivers the Yellow (Huang He) , the Yangtze ( Chiang Jiang), and the Pearl (Zhu Jiang) rivers.
The coordinates of China are 35 degrees North, 105 degrees East.

Sunday, May 9, 2010


1 Chinese yuan is equal to 0.146448 U.S. dollars.
China's major imports are machinery, plastics, iron, steel, and chemicals. Their major exports are machinery, textiles, clothing, footwear, toys, sporting goods, and chemicals.
China's history, culture, and geography don't effect the economy signifigantly. However, the government has a great impact. In China making textiles costs less than in the U.S. This is because of the large population workers in China are happy to get a job, even if the pay is small. Another reason manufacturing in China is cheap is because of their labor laws. In the U.S. if a worker works over 40 hours in a week they get payed overtime. In China there isn't overtime. They can have large factories with workers that can work as long as their boss tells them. This greatly effects the ecomomy.


China values art. The Chinese people have pottery dating back all the way to 5000B.C. Another form of art is writing or calligraphy. Almost all of Chinese writing is handwritten. Typing in the Chinese language is difficult because there are no letters. Each word has its own character. In China they also enjoy the art of music.
There are many religions in China.
Religious percentages:
  • Christianity 33%
  • Islam 21%
  • No religion 16%
  • Hinduism 14%
  • primal indigenous 6%
  • Chinese (traditional) 6%
  • Buddhism 6%
  • Sikhism .36%
  • Judaism .22%

China's majority religion Christianity is a monotheistic religion. They believe that by living a good life on Earth that they will live eternally in heaven.

Chinese culture has influenced Japanese and Korean culture. Buddhism has also influenced Chinese art. Budda statues are exported from China to other countries.


Above, terracotta warriors of the Qin dynasty.

China has the longest history of all countries; throughout its history China has had many accomplishments. China is responsible for paper, the seismograph, and the compass.
They are also known for silk. In the 17th century Europeans came on trade routes known as the silk road to trade. They also traded tea, jade, and porcelain.
In China's history the country was ruled by dynasties. Dynasties were families that passed the power down through generations. The dynasties of China were:
  • Shang
  • Zhou
  • Qin
  • Han
  • Sui
  • Tang
  • Song
  • Ming
  • Qing

The Qin dynasty is known for the building of the great wall and the 7,000 terracotta warriors.

In 1966 Mao Zedora had a cultural revolution. For the following 20 years there was chaos and confusion. Many people were either killed or sent away to work as laborers. Because of this Chinese government is communist.