Sunday, May 9, 2010


1 Chinese yuan is equal to 0.146448 U.S. dollars.
China's major imports are machinery, plastics, iron, steel, and chemicals. Their major exports are machinery, textiles, clothing, footwear, toys, sporting goods, and chemicals.
China's history, culture, and geography don't effect the economy signifigantly. However, the government has a great impact. In China making textiles costs less than in the U.S. This is because of the large population workers in China are happy to get a job, even if the pay is small. Another reason manufacturing in China is cheap is because of their labor laws. In the U.S. if a worker works over 40 hours in a week they get payed overtime. In China there isn't overtime. They can have large factories with workers that can work as long as their boss tells them. This greatly effects the ecomomy.

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