Sunday, May 9, 2010


China values art. The Chinese people have pottery dating back all the way to 5000B.C. Another form of art is writing or calligraphy. Almost all of Chinese writing is handwritten. Typing in the Chinese language is difficult because there are no letters. Each word has its own character. In China they also enjoy the art of music.
There are many religions in China.
Religious percentages:
  • Christianity 33%
  • Islam 21%
  • No religion 16%
  • Hinduism 14%
  • primal indigenous 6%
  • Chinese (traditional) 6%
  • Buddhism 6%
  • Sikhism .36%
  • Judaism .22%

China's majority religion Christianity is a monotheistic religion. They believe that by living a good life on Earth that they will live eternally in heaven.

Chinese culture has influenced Japanese and Korean culture. Buddhism has also influenced Chinese art. Budda statues are exported from China to other countries.

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