Sunday, May 9, 2010


Above, terracotta warriors of the Qin dynasty.

China has the longest history of all countries; throughout its history China has had many accomplishments. China is responsible for paper, the seismograph, and the compass.
They are also known for silk. In the 17th century Europeans came on trade routes known as the silk road to trade. They also traded tea, jade, and porcelain.
In China's history the country was ruled by dynasties. Dynasties were families that passed the power down through generations. The dynasties of China were:
  • Shang
  • Zhou
  • Qin
  • Han
  • Sui
  • Tang
  • Song
  • Ming
  • Qing

The Qin dynasty is known for the building of the great wall and the 7,000 terracotta warriors.

In 1966 Mao Zedora had a cultural revolution. For the following 20 years there was chaos and confusion. Many people were either killed or sent away to work as laborers. Because of this Chinese government is communist.

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